Thursday, October 23, 2014

Panduan Cepat untuk naik level ingress

Mulai hari ini sampai dengan 2 minggu kedepan 15 Nopember 2014, Niantic akan merayakan ulang tahun dengan memberikan bonus AP dan item didalam game ini, simak beritanya disini

In celebration of the upcoming 2nd anniversary of Ingress, everyone that reaches Level 3 by midnight Pacific Time (PT) on Saturday, November 15th, 2014 will earn a special Innovator Medal.  The Innovator Medal will be awarded based on the following tiers:
Bronze Medal: Reach Level 3 and above
Silver Medal: Reach Level 9 and above

Additionally, for the next two weeks, each Portal action will generate double Action Points (AP).  For example, capture a Portal to earn 1,000 AP or establish a Field to earn 2,500 AP.  Hack output of the Portal Network has also been boosted:
3X more Resonators to help Agents upgrade Portals
3X more Xmps from enemy Portals to help Agents reclaim strategic Cells
3X more Rare Heat Sinks and Multi-hacks to help Agents replenish inventory

Finally, if you have a favorite situation report from your operations and missions over the last 2 years, we’d like to hear it.  Share your SITREPs with the #IngressYearTwo hashtag.

It’s time to move.

#IngressYearTwo #IngressNews  

Happy Hacking